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Social Channels

Community members interact through a variety of chat groups and forums, some technical, some not so much.

Follow or participate in the conversation on the relevant channels to stay updated on what's happening.



  • Community chats allow unrestricted groups of people to communicate with each other. As a result, they are often used by malicious actors to spread incorrect information, post phishing or other sorts of dangerous links and addresses, market questionable schemes etc. Users are expected to be careful and thoroughly vet any information they receive through these channels.
  • Discord and twitter accounts can get hacked, thus, it is important that no post asking for funds or tokens to be sent to a certain address be believed to be true.
  • Users are expected to be respectful towards each other. Please do not post unsolicited links, talk about markets, prices, trading activities, speculate or share any sort of advice. Keep conversations limited to the project, its technical design and utility.