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Marlin is an open-source protocol and anyone can contribute to its codebase and documentation.


Dive into the repositories at Radicle or Github to understand how things work under the hood. Note that some recent repos are on Radicle but not on Github and that the latest commits are often only available on the former, thus the two may not be in-sync. Check on discord if in doubt!

Smart contract changes are usually undesirable and are to be avoided unless absolutely necessary (see Governance section below). Feature additions should preferably be client-side such that they can be opted-in by the individual node operators without resulting in a forked/fragmented network.


If you have any general questions on how the protocol works, please read the documentation and join the Discord server to chat with other devs and the community. Good documentation is necessary to streamline the onboarding process for users and validators. Contributions to the docs is immensely appreciated!

Infrastructure provider

Application developers need hardware resources to be available on the Marlin network for them to deploy their services. Thus, node operators are crucial to the network's utility. Instructions to run a node and join the Marlin network are provided below.


New features that involve smart contract changes involve an on-chain voting process. Refer to the Governance section for more details.